Stepper Motor Control Trainer

Model: FT-MT116

stepper motor control trainer is an educational tool designed to provide hands-on experience in the principles of stepper motor operation and control. It features a user-friendly interface, allowing students to experiment with various control techniques, including open-loop and closed-loop systems. The trainer is equipped with a high-precision stepper motor, a microcontroller, and a range of sensors, enabling users to understand the intricacies of motor control, programming, and feedback mechanisms. Ideal for engineering students and professionals, this trainer enhances practical skills and theoretical knowledge in automation and robotics.


Stepper Motor Control Trainer


Experiment Modules:
Generally, use 2mm plugs and sockets connected
by 2mm or 4mm test leads
Circuits, blocks and components symbols printed on
the surface of each module. Module secured in
plastic housing, modules to standard DIN A4 equivalent height
Cabinet provides easy to store facilities for all modules
comprehensive experiment Manuals
Power Supply Unit
-ACV Output voltage measurement
-DCV output voltage measurement Meter/Motor Unit
-Dual scale ACA
-Dual Scale ACA
Isolation Transformer : AC 110V/220V
A. Power Supply Unit Experiments
-AC voltage measurement
-DC voltage measurement List of Modules:
B. UJT Experiments
-UJT introduction
-UJT Characteristic
-UJT equivalent circuit
-CDS trigger, RTH trigger
UJT Oscillator Circuit & Timer Switch
-UJT relaxation oscillator
-UJT timer switch
C. PUT Experiments
PUT Characteristic & Equivalent Circuit
-PUT introduction
-PUT Characteristic
-PUT equivalent Circuit
-CDS trigger
-RTH trigger

PUT Oscillator Circuit & Timer Switch
-PUT Circuit oscillator
-PUT timer switch D. PUT & SCR Experiments
PUT Staircase Generator & Voltage Control Ramp
-PUT staircase generator circuit
-PUT voltage control ramp circuit
SCR Characteristic & RC Shift Control Circuit
-SCR Principle
-SCR characteristic curve
-SCR Construction
-SCR trigger mode
-SCR RC phase control Circuit
E. SCS Experiments
SCS Characteristic Experiment
-SCS construction and operation mode
-Use a VOM meter measuring SCS
-SCS Schmitt circuit
-SCS simulates PUT Circuit

IC Timer Switch Experiment
– NE 555 IC circuit introduction
– IC timer switch experiment
– Digital Signal Drive &
Zero-Voltage Switch Experiments

SCS Trigger Circuit Experiment
-CDS trigger
– RTH trigger F. UJT & PUT Trigger
SCR Experiment
UJT Trigger SCR Phase Control Circuit
– Phase control basic circuit
– Phase control analysis
– AC phase control circuit analysis
– UJT trigger SCR Phase control circuit
PUT Trigger SCR Phase Control Circuit
G. SCR Control DC Motor & DIAC, TRIAC SCR
Characteristic Experiments SCR Control DC Motor
Forward/Reverse Experiment
– SCR Cut-off principle
– SCR control DC motor
Forward / reverse control experiment
Characteristic Experiment
– DIAC construction and characteristic
– DIAC operation mode and measurement
– TRIAC construction and characteristic
– TRIAC trigger mode
– TRIAC static measurement
H. Automatic Control Lamp,
TRIAC Control Speed Experiments
Automatic Control Lamp Experiment
– TRIAC shift control
– TRIAC automatic control lamp experiment

TRIAC Control Motor Speed Experiment
– Different motor introduction
– TRIAC control motor speed experiment
– Temperature Ratio, Photo-Couple and Touch
control Experiments
Bridge Temperature Ratio Control Experiment
– Electronic component of thermal resistor
– SCR bridge temperature ratio control experiment
Photo-Couple and Touch Control Experiment
– Photo couple control circuit
– FET construction and characteristic
– Touch alarm circuit
J. Over / Under Voltage Breaker and Flasher
Control Experiments Over /Under Voltage Breaker Experiment
-OPA characteristic with reverse & non-reverse circuit
– Voltage comparison circuit
Flasher Control Experiment
-Application of TRIAC power control
– AC circuit control
– Multi vibrator
K. TRIAC Liquid Level & IC
Timer Switch Experiments
TRIAC Liquid Level Control Experiment
– Digital circuit introduction
– TRIAC liquid level control experiment

Digital Signal Driver Control Experiment
Digital Signal driver control experiment
Zero-Voltage Switch Experiments
-Ideal half-wave zero-voltage switch experiments
-M. Zero-Voltage Switch Experiments
Zero-Voltage Switch Experiments
– TRIAC zero-voltage switch experiments
– IC mode zero-voltage switch experiments
N. SCR Converter Experiments
– Parallel converter introduction
– Series converter introduction
– Converter output- wave form improvement
O. SCR Rectifier Circuit Experiments:
– Single-phase half wave rectifier
– Single-phase full-wave rectifier
– Single-phase bridge rectifier
– Three-phase half wave rectifier
– Three-phase full-wave rectifier
P. JFET / MOSFET Characteristic & MOSFET
Speed Control Experiments:
– JFET characteristic experiment
– MOSFET characteristic experiment
– OSFET speed control experiment
Q. IGBT Characteristic & IGBT Speed Control Experiments
– IGBT characteristic experiment
– IGBT speed control experiment Accessories
Experiment Manual, Tank-2pcs.
Connection Plugs- 1 set
Storage Cabinet 2 Sets
Rack : With Necessary

4mm safety Jack : 1 set
User Manual: 1 Nos

Brand: FaboTronix
Country of Origin: China
Manufacturing: Assemble in Bangladesh
Warranty: 1 Year


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