Op – Amp Trainer

MOD : FT – op-amp02

The Operational Amplifier Trainer (OP-AMP Circuit Trainer) is an educational tool designed for hands-on learning and experimentation with operational amplifier circuits. It features a power supply with variable DC output, a variable sine generator, and includes IC 741 operational amplifiers, assorted resistors and capacitors, diodes, zener diodes, and potentiometers for offset adjustments. Accompanied by a user manual with sample experiments, this trainer is ideal for understanding and demonstrating various op-amp configurations and applications.


Op-Amp Trainer

Technical Specification :

On-board components:
On-board resistor, capacitor, diode and potentiometer bank
of different values.
Breadboard (175mmX63mm) area to allow construction of
circuits using external components along with on board
On-board fixed power supply and variable regulated positive
& negative power supply.
LM331 IC provided with all the respective pin outs.
On board fix DC power supply voltage of ±5 V and ±12 V
On board DC Variable power supply with Helical pot vary
from ±1.5V and 10V with 500mA current.
Semiconductor Device Range:
03 IC LM741 Op-Amp stage.
01 NE555 IC stage.
4 Diode (1N4007).
02 Zener diode (5.1V).
Transistor: BJT(BC547), MOSFET (IRF-Z44N).
Green LED 5mm.
16 pin ZIF socket with pin out to be provided on board.
45 Resistors bank from 100E to 10M.
16 Capacitors bank from 56PF to 220μF.
6 Pots of 1K to 10M.
Op-Amp IC-LM741 based

Measurement of input offset voltage, input bias current,
input offset current.
Measurement of differential input impedance, output
Measurement of common mode rejection ratio (CMRR),
slew rate, unity gain bandwidth.
Inverting and non-inverting amplifier (AC / DC).
Voltage follower (AC / DC).
Integrator, differentiator, differential amplifier.
Inverting summing, scaling and averaging amplifier.
Non-inverting summing, scaling and averaging amplifier.
Differential summing and subtractor amplifier.
Log and anti-log amplifier.
Instrumentation amplifier.
Low pass, high pass, band pass, narrow band reject, all
pass filters.
Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, quadrature
(sine-cosine) oscillator.
Square, triangular, saw-tooth wave generator.
Current to voltage, voltage to current, digital to analog
Positive and negative clipper/ clamper circuit.
Level shifter circuit.
Half wave, full wave rectifier.
Basic comparator

Astable, bi-stable, mono-stable multi-vibrator.
Zero crossing detector.
Schmitt trigger.
Window detector.
Peak detector.
Sample and hold circuit.
Function generator.
Frequency to voltage, voltage to frequency converter
using LM331 IC-NE555 based
Astable, bi-stable, mono-stable multi-vibrator.
Frequency divider and frequency stretcher.
Schmitt trigger.
PWM modulator

Accessories : 
power cord
Connecting Wire
User Manual

Others :
Parts Origin: China, Taiwan,  Japan
Manufacturing: Assemble in Bangladesh
Installation, Troubleshooting
Warranty: 01 year

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