Optical fiber communication training system

MOd :ft-FOC 005

The Optical Fiber Communication Training System with an interactive control unit and software is an advanced platform for exploring the principles of optical communication. It features transmitter and receiver modules supporting wavelengths of 660 nm
and 820 nm with a data rate of 1 Mbps, covering E/O and O/E conversions. Modulation modules include AM, FM, ASK, FSK, and CASK with practical demodulation capabilities, enabling in-depth study of both analog and digital communication methods. The system also includes a TV signal modulator/demodulator and digital signal processing modules like CVSD encoding/- decoding and Manchester channel encoding. Designed for robust experimentation, it supports TTL and CMOS level signals with various modulation indices, tunable frequencies, and amplitude options.


Optical fiber communication training system


Transmitted light wavelength: 660 nm and 820 nm.
Data rate: 1 Mbps.
Transmitter bandwidth: 1 MHz.
Includes digital and analog transmitters,
and also covers with E/O conversion circuit.
Built-in microphone input terminal and audio amplifier.
Built-in sine wave output signal,
and also includes tunable amplitude and frequency
Amplitude: 2 Vpp; Frequency : 100 Hz ~ 2.5 kHz.
Built-in digital data generator, used to produce TTL
signal and CMOS level output.
The wavelength of optical fibers transmission
line: 500 nm ~ 1200 nm;
ST and DIN connectors

Received light wavelength: 660 nm and 820 nm.
Data rate: 1 Mbps.
Receiver bandwidth: 1 MHz.
Includes digital and analog receivers,
and also covers with O/E conversion circuit.
Provided with tunable amplifier, which can drive
the 8 W loud speaker.
The wavelength of optical fibers transmission
line: 500 nm ~ 1200 nm;
ST and DIN connectors.
Data Rate: 250 bps~500 bps

AM Modulation and Demodulation;
AM Modulation:
Carrier Signal: 540 kHz ~ 1600 kHz.
Audio Frequency Signal: 1 kHz ~ 2 kHz.

AM Demodulation:
Carrier Signal: 540 kHz ~ 1600 kHz.
Audio Frequency Signal: 1 kHz ~ 2 kHz.
Modulation Index: 50%.
FM Modulation and Demodulation

FM Modulation:
Carrier Signal: 20 kHz.
Audio Frequency Signal: 1 kHz ~ 5 kHz.

FM Demodulation:
Nature Frequency: 20 kHz.
Audio Frequency Signal: 1kHz ~ 3 kHz.
CASK Modulation and Demodulation

ASK Modulation:
Carrier Signal: 20 kHz ~100 kHz.
Data Signal: 100 bps ~ 1 kbps.

ASK Demodulation:
Carrier Signal: 20 kHz ~ 100 kHz.
Data Signal: 100 bps ~ 1 kbps.
FSK Modulation and Demodulation

FSK Modulation:
Space Signal: 1370 Hz.
Mark Signal: 870 Hz.
Data Signal: 100bps ~ 500 bps.

FSK Demodulation:
Space Signal: 1370 Hz.
Mark Signal: 870 Hz.
Data Signal: 100 bps ~ 500 bps

Signal Source Encoder and Decoder
Sampling Frequency: 16 kHz ~ 50 kHz.
Audio Frequency Signal: 100 Hz ~ 2 kHz.
TTL input and output level signals.
Channel Encoder and Decoder (Manchester)
Input TTL level signal.
CLK: 500 Hz~1 kHz

TV Signal Generator :
Built-in 4 MHz quartz crystal oscillator.
8 selected types of TV signal.
Output signal: ladder wave signal.
Output frequency: 15.6 kHz.

TV Signal Modulator
Audio signal: FM demodulating signal.
FM carrier signal: 5.5 MHz.
Horizontal signal is demodulated by using the
band-reject filter.
Built-in low-pass filter to remove the noise of the
audio signal.
amplitude : 600 mV ~ 1.2V.
TV Signal: FM signal plus TV system horizontal

Manuals :
All manuals are written in English
Model Answer
Teaching Manual

Accessories : 
Connecting Wire: 1 set.
Power Cord.
2mm or 4mm safety Jack: 1 set.
User Manual: 1Set.

Others :
Part Country of Origin : China
Country of Manufacture: Bangladesh

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